- Brett KE, Ferraro ZM, Yockell-Lelievre J, Gruslin A, Adamo KB. Maternal-Fetal Nutrient Transport in Pregnancy Pathologies: The role of the Placenta. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (special issue; Advances in Reproductive Biology). 2014 Sep 12;15(9):16153-16185. PMID: 25222554
IF: 2.34 - Adamo KB, Barrowman N, Naylor PJ, Yaya S, Harvey A, Grattan KP, Goldfield GS. Activity Begins in Childhood (ABC)- inspiring healthy active behaviour in preschoolers: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2014 Jul 29;15(1):305. PMID:25073797
IF: 2.12 - Adamo KB, Shen GX, Mottola M, Nascimento S, Jean-Philippe S, Ferraro ZM, Nerenberg K, Smith G, Chari R, Gaudet L, Piccinini-Vallis H, McDonald S, Atkinson S, Godbout A, Robitaille J, Davidge ST, Gruslin A, Prud’homme D, Stacey D, Rossiter M, Goldfield GS, Dodd J. Obesity Prevention from Conception: a workshop to guide the development of a pan Canadian trial targeting the gestational period. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights. 2014 7;7–18. PMCID: PMC3999948
- Prince SA, Reed JL, Nerenberg KA, Kristjansson EA, Hiremath S, Adamo KB, Tulloch HE, , Mullen K-A, Fodor JG, Wright E, Reid RD. Intrapersonal, social and physical environmental determinants of moderate-tovigorous physical activity in working-age women: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews 2014 Nov 4;3(1):132. PMID:25370736
- Adamo KB, Brett KE. Parental Perceptions and childhood dietary quality. Maternal and Child Health Journal May;18(4):978-95, 2014. PMID: 23817727
- Thivel D, Chaput JP, Adamo KB, Goldfield G. Is energy intake altered by a 10-week aerobic training on obese adolescents? Physiology and Behavior. 2014 Aug;135:130-4 PMID:24952265
- Adamo KB, Shen GX, Mottola M, Nascimento S, Jean-Philippe S, Ferraro ZM, Nerenberg K, Smith G, Chari R, Gaudet L, Piccinini-Vallis H, McDonald S, Atkinson S, Godbout A, Robitaille J, Davidge ST, Gruslin A, Prud’homme D, Stacey D, Rossiter M, Goldfield GS, Dodd J. Obesity Prevention from Conception: a workshop to guide the development of a pan Canadian trial targeting the gestational period. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights. 2014 7;7–18. PMCID: PMC3999948
- Adamo KB, Wilson S, Goldfield GS, Hadjiyannakis S, Doucet E. Appetite signaling proteins, glucose and appetite sensations in obese adolescents with subclinical binge eating disorder. ISRN Obesity 2014 Mar 11;2014:312826. PMID: 25006530
- Ferraro ZM, Chaput JP, Gruslin A, Adamo KB. The potential value of sleep hygiene for a healthy pregnancy: a brief review. ISRN Family Medicine 2014 Feb 17;2014:928293 PMID:24967333
- Colley RC, Harvey A, Grattan KP, Adamo KB. Impact of accelerometer epoch length on physical activity and sedentary behaviour outcomes for preschool-aged children. Health Reports Jan 15;25(1):3-9, 2014. PMID: 24430918
- Adamo KB, Goldfield GS, Colapinto C, Harvey A, Grattan K, Barrowman N. Evaluating a Fruit and Vegetable program consumption in Eastern Ontario schools. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice & Research. 74:167-174, 2013. PMID: 24472164 IF: 0.81; official journal of the Dietitians of Canada
- Ferraro ZM, Qiu Q, Gruslin A, KB Adamo. Excessive gestational weight gain and pregravid obesity contribute to augmented expression of maternal insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3. International Journal of Women’s Health Oct 2; 5: 657–665, 2013. PMID: 24124394
- Ferraro ZM, Boehm K, L Gaudet, KB Adamo. Counseling about gestational weight gain and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy: Canadian maternity care providers’ self-evaluation. International Journal of Women’s Health Sept 30; 5: 629–636, 2013. PMID: 24109200
- Nascimento S, Pudwell J, Surita F, Adamo KB, Smith G. The effect of physical exercise strategies on weight loss in postpartum women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Obesity (Lond) May;38(5):626-35, 2014 PMID: 24048142
- Adamo KB, Goldfield GS, Colapinto C, Harvey A, Grattan K, Barrowman N. Evaluating a Fruit and Vegetable program consumption in Eastern Ontario schools. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice & Research. 74:167-174, 2013. PMID: 24472164
IF: 0.98 (official journal of the Dietitians of Canada) - Colley RC, Garriguet D, Adamo KB, Carson V, Janssen I, Timmons BW, Tremblay M. Physical activity and sedentary behavior during the early years in Canada: A cross-sectional study International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity May 4;10(1):54, 2013. PMID: 23642258 IF: 3.58
- Adamo KB, Ferraro Z, Keely E, Stacey D, Goldfield G, Hadjiyannakis S, Walker M, Barrowman N. The maternal obesity management (MOM) trial protocol: a lifestyle intervention during pregnancy to minimize downstream obesity. Contemporary Clinical Trials 35: 87-96, 2013 PMID: 23459089 IF: 1.7
- Alberga A, Medd ER, Adamo KB, Goldfield GS, Prud’homme D, Kenny G, Sigal RJ. Top 10 practical lessons learned from physical activity interventions with overweight and obese children and adolescents. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism Mar;38(3):249-58, 2013. PMID: 23537015
IF: 2.4 (official journal of Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology and the Canadian Nutrition Society - Belanger K, Breithaupt P, Colley RC, Rutherford J, Ferarro ZM, Hadjiyannakis S, Adamo KB. Rate of perceived exertion during maximal and submaximal fitness testing: do obese children work as hard as they think? Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics Sept 8; 7: 35–40, 2013. PMID: 24052695
- Adamo KB, Wilson S, Belanger K, Chaput JP. Later bedtime is associated with greater daily energy intake and screen time in obese adolescents independent of sleep duration. Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy. 2: 126, 2013. doi:10.4172/2167-0277.1000126
- Baranowski T, Adamo KB, Hingle M, Maddison R, Maloney A, Simons M, Staiano A. Gaming, Adiposity, and Obesogenic Behaviors Among Children (Roundtable Discussion) GAMES FOR HEALTH JOURNAL: Research, Development, and Clinical Applications. 2(3); 119-126, 2013.
- Goldfield GS, Dowler L, Walker M, Cameron JD, Ferraro ZM, Doucet E, Adamo KB. Are Dopamine-Related Genotypes Risk factors for Excessive Gestational Weight Gain? International Journal of Women’s Health May 20;5:253-9, 2013 PMID:23723720
- Colley RC, Garriguet D, Adamo KB, Carson V, Janssen I, Timmons BW, Tremblay M. Physical activity and sedentary behavior during the early years in Canada: A cross-sectional study International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity May 4;10(1):54, 2013. PMID: 23642258
- Onywera VO, Heroux M, Jáuregui Ulloa EJ, Adamo KB, Lopez-Taylor J, Janssen I, Tremblay MS. Adiposity and physical activity among children in countries at different stages of the physical activity transition: Canada, Mexico and Kenya. African Journal for Physical and Health Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance 19(1): 132-142, 2013
- Héroux M, Onywera V, Tremblay MS, Adamo KB, Lopez Taylor J, Jáuregui Ulloa E, Janssen I. The Relation between Aerobic Fitness, Muscular Fitness and Obesity in Children from Three Countries at Different Stages of the Physical Activity Transition. ISRN Obesity. Volume 2013, Article ID 134835, 10 pages, 2013 PMID:24533216